Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday - August 31, 2011


DOL 4: 
  • ive never had no desire to have him learn me how to swim because hes to impatient
  • i would of froze that paie but i couldnt get it off of the plate.
Greek 2: 
  • Miso - hate - misogamy - hatred of marriage
  • Phil - love - philosophy - love of wisdom

2nd Period:  English 10
  • DOL 4. 
  • Greek 2
  • I did my bag speech example today and we worked on 5 paragraph essay structure.  I wrote an example essay about kittens that I will post down below.  Students began reading their example essays and we critiqued them to see what was right and what needed work.  I got some great examples! 
  • Journal 1 - "Intuition" due today
  • Bag speeches due tomorrow. 
  • Vocab quiz and reading day on Friday
3rd Per:  English 8
  • DOL 4
  • Work on 5 paragraph essay structure.  Outlines due today for review.
  • Journal 1 due today.
  • Bag speech example.
4th per - History:
  • Greek 2
  • Work on computers to look up 5 political parties and identify what their platform is (what do they believe we should do about things like education, jobs, social security, illegal immigration, etc.
5th Period: English 10 (see second period for added details)
  • DOL 4
  • Greek 2
  • Journal 1 - "Intuition" due today.
  • Bag speech example by Mr. Hawley.  Yours will begin tomorrow.
  • 5 paragraph essay outline structure.  See Kitty essay below.  Remember the formula:
    • Tell em what you're going to tell em. - Topic paragraph with 3 points of discussion
    • Tell em - write your 3 body paragraphs about your three points of discussion.
    • Tell em what you told em - Add a conclusion that restates the topic and the 3 points.
6th Period: Lit Skills
  • 2nd half of lesson #2 - interacting with the text.
  • I read a news article about two young boys who drowned in Big Horn lake Monday this week.  Students had to write down what they felt, saw, heard, etc as they listened to this tragic story, which is just now coming out in the news.
8th Period:  7th Grade English
  • Daily Grammar lesson # 5, 6, 7.
  • Bag speech example by Mr. Hawley.  Yours are due tomorrow. 
  • Continue working with 5 paragraph essay structure.  Outline a potential essay for your classmates to think about and discuss.  Start today.  Finish tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday.
  • Helping verb review.  Quiz Thursday.

Kitten 5 paragraph essay:

Kittens Make Great Guard Dogs

          People don’t usually realize this, but kittens are often overlooked when people are searching for a good guard dog.  Did you realize though, that they have sharp claws, can see in the dark, and have excellent reflexes?  This makes them ideally suited to help protect you on those long scary nights.

          Kittens may look all cute and fluffy, but they are really stealthy predators in disguise.  Like all great predators they have razor sharp claws.  This enables them to do serious damage to anyone they see as a threat: like dangling objects, sinister-looking string, or even that role of toilet paper hanging on the wall. 

          Kittens have the legendary ability to see in the dark.  They can stalk grasshoppers, crickets, waving strands of grass, and even the occasional leaf blowing past with amazing accuracy.  Since most crimes happen in the dark, who wouldn’t want a guard that can see in the night?

          Kittens have excellent reflexes.  This is apparent when watching them sleeping on the edge of the couch or the table.  Invariably they will fall off, (sometimes you have to help them out with a little push,) but they ALWAYS land on their feet!  I don’t know if any other animal could dropped while sleeping and wake up fast enough to still land on their feet. 

          In conclusion, when looking for an appropriate guardian companion, don’t be so quick to overlook the fluffy little kitten.  They have sharp claws, they can see in the dark, and they have excellent reflexes.  More than one CAT burglar has learned the hard way not to mess with the kitty!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011 - Tuesday


Greek Terms:
Term - Definition - examples
1.  Anthrop - Humankind - Anthropology
2.  Andr - Human - Android

DOL 3:
  • If you had shook the fruit shake good you could of drank it easily
  • please do the following things mail that package type the lists straightening the books and phoning ms ames.

English 7, 8, 10:  I introduced the idea of bag speeches today.  You will bring a bag with 4 objects outside of it and 4 objects inside it.  You will give a speech to your classmates and myself about who you are.  It should be about 2 - 3 minutes long.  Please use professional mannerisms during your speech.  Don't chew gum, sway back and forth, mutter, dance around, etc.  Also, you should be wearing nicer clothes than just a t-shirt and jeans. 

English 7, 8, 10: We also began working on 5 paragraph essays.  In an essay, it's all about organization!  It doesn't really matter what you write if no one can decipher it or understand your thoughts.  So, when you write a 5 paragraph essay for me it should be organized the following way:

1st paragraph
  • Introduce your topic - Eg:  Kittens are better than guard dogs because . . .
  • A - they have sharp claws.
  • B - They can see in the dark.
  • C - They have excellent reflexes.
2nd paragraph
  • discuss the sharp claws of kittens and how that relates to guard duty.  3 sentences minimum.
3rd paragraph
  • discuss the benefits of seeing in the dark if you are a guard dog.
4th paragraph
  • discuss the benefits of excellent reflexes in guard duty.
5th paragraph
  • Sum up the 3 body paragraphs.  Example:  "In conclusion, kittens are better than guard dogs because they have sharp claws, can see in the dark, and have excellent reflexes.
History 8:  Continue working on maps and getting the information you need from your relatives and adult friends. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome back to school!  Hopefully, you had a great summer vacation!

Sorry I forgot to get this posted yesterday.  All that bragging and then I didn't perform.  Must be getting old.  :-)

All English classes will do Vocabulary and Spelling on Mondays.  The worksheets to be filled out for this are in my room on the back table by the window.  The Vocab list is as follows:

Vocabulary - Due  Friday Week 1                                                                                                                                                        

Quid pro quo – Noun

·         Something for something.

·         Something given or received for something else.

Comeuppance – Noun

·         Punishment

·         Getting what you deserve

·         A deserved rebuke or penalty

Sarcophagus – Noun

·         A stone coffin.

·         The ancient Greek word for the limestone, "sarkophagos," was formed by combining "sark-," meaning "flesh," with a derivative of "phagein," a verb meaning "to eat."   (Related to the word “Esophagus”)

o   In olden times, stone caskets were made from limestone, which has the ability to help bodies decompose very rapidly – thus eliminating the health hazards and overpopulation of the local graveyards.

Colloquial – Adjective

·         of or relating to conversation : conversational

·         used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation; also : unacceptably informal

·         using conversational style

Expedite – Verb

·         to execute (carry out or do it) promptly

·         to accelerate the process or progress of : speed up

·         issue, dispatch

o   To expedite the processing of your request, please include your account number on all documents.

Spelling:  Week 1 - Due Friday

Vocab Word - Hawley's definition:
Accurate - correct
Precaution - careful
Hoeing - weeding
Census - count
Graphite - carbon lubricant
Bough - tree branch
Decipher - figure out
Fraught - full of
Abbreviation - shorten
Torrential - heavy

Journal Entry:  Due Wednesday
When my son Ben was run over by a truck this past summer, some kind of intuition told me he was in trouble and I needed to find out where he was and what was wrong.  Describe a moment of intuition you have seen, heard of, or experienced personally in your life. 

2nd Period:  10th Grade English
3rd Period:   8th Grade English
5th Period:   10th Grade English -
  • Journal,
  • Vocabulary week 1,
  • Spelling week 1,
  • Daily Oral Language 2.

8th Period:  7th Grade English -
  • Vocabulary week 1,
  • Spelling week 1. 
  • Daily Grammar Lessons #4, 5.
  • No journal assignment this week.
4th Period:  8th Grade History
  • Begin working on maps of the US states and capitol cities.  Keep working on learning the names of the 50 states.
6th Period Lit Skills 
  • Read the story about the kids who were traded by their guardian for a pet bird and $150.  Practice interacting with the text by asking questions, circling, underlining, etc.