Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Vocab Week 11

Arduous – Adjective (Ard-you-us)

·         Difficult, taxing.  Long and laborious

Charismatic – Adjective (Care-is-matic)

·         Friendly, outgoing 

·         Lots of friends

Convergence  - Noun (Con-verge-ence)

·         Moving toward union and uniformity

·         Coordinated movement of two eyes to focus on something.

Chivalrous – Adjective (Shiv-ul-rous)

·         Valiant, marked by honor

·         Knights of old code of conduct

Lyric poem – Noun

·         Words for a Song.

·         Suitable for singing with musical accompaniment (usually with a lyre)

Spelling Week 11

Reticulated – Looks like a net

Tempestuous - Stormy

Analyze - Examine

Analysis – Results of examination

Impromptu – Spur of the moment

Elocution - pronunciation

Curmudgeon – Scrooge

Convivial – Party hearty!  Libations.

Papyrus – Egyptian paper

Emigrant – Country to Country

Journal:  Veteran’s Day

This is open ended.  You may discuss anything that ties in to liberty, freedom, military, family stories, etc.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monday, November 07, 2011

Vocab Week 10

 Taut – Adjective (Taught)

·         Having no give or slack

·         Tightly drawn

·         Not loose or flabby

Vehemently – Adverb (VeĆ©-uh-ment-ly)

·         Bitterly antagonistic

·         Forcibly argumentative

·         With anger or deep passion

Writhe – verb (Wry-thuh)

·         to twist and turn

·         To try and escape

·         Movement when in agony or pain

Indelible – Adjective (In-DEHL-uh-ble)

·         Cannot be washed away, removed or erased

·         Powerful memories, unforgettable

Idiom – Noun (IH-dee-um)

·         Phrase or speech peculiar to a certain part of the world

·         Coded language only insiders can understand, very colloquial.

o   She quit smoking cold turkey!        He is the apple of my eye.       He was all thumbs. 

Spelling 10

Assimilated – Absorb into the system.  Make the same

*Cohesive – Sticks together

Bellyache – upset tummy

Gnash – Rabid biting

Heartthrob – Taylor Lautner

Eavesdrop – Overhear

Auburn – Reddish

Procedure – process

Kerchief – Square of cloth

Environs – surrounding vicinity

Journal – Describe a first time you did something you had never done before.  Waterskiing, Writing a research paper, Lifting weights, Going on a date (Better be high school only  for this one!  :-), failing a test, breaking a window, etc.