Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday - November 25, 2013

7th Grade:  To Build a Fire.  No homework.

8th Grade AND History:  Begin watching "A More Perfect Union" in class
I also passed out the "Witch of Blackbird Pond" books.  Read chapters 1 and 2 for this coming Monday.

10th Grade:  Begin unit on mythology.   The district assessment for this is a multimedia presentation in front of the class.  I will pass out the grading rubric for it on Monday next week.  No Homework. 

One day till break!  Hang in there. 

Friday - November 22, 2013

7th Grade - No class.  B Schedule

8th Grade - Grammar Review - Notes on Subject/Verb agreement.  Homework - Worksheet on Subject/verb agreement.  Due Monday.  See Mr. Hawley for extra copies. 

10th Grade - No Class.  B Schedule

History - Current Events.  No Homework.  I passed out the review sheet for the 10 amendments test this coming Tuesday.  See Mr. Hawley for extra copies. 

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday - November 21, 2013

7th Grade: 
-Quiz on spelling/lit terms for week 12
-Students read their Sci-Fi stories to classmates.  There were some great adventures.  Good job.

8th Grade: 
-Quiz on Spelling/lit terms for week 12
-DOL on 6th Period sentences from "Charly" essays.
No homework.

10th Grade:
Work on papers in library.  No quiz this week.

-Current Events discussions about the racial injustice of the 9 young Scotsboro, Alabama boys who were falsely convicted by a jury of 12 white males of raping two white women on a train in 1931.  The state of Alabama finally issued them posthumous pardons this morning.  One of the girls recanted her testimony, and said they made it all up, but the 9 young men were all sentenced to death anyway.  She even marched with African Americans in protests around the country that were staged to complain.  This was long before the civil rights marches of the 50s and 60s.
-Continued notes on the development of our constitutional democracy. 
-Don't forget that on Monday, we will switch classes.  History will be during English classes, so we can go to the lab and work on projects. 
-Don't forget to bring your current events tomorrow. 

Wednesday - November 20, 2013

7th Grade: 
-Study for spelling test on Thursday
-Close reading class activity "My Papa's Waltz"  Turn in for credit. 
-15 minutes of class time to work on Sci-Fi stories.  Prepare to read them in class tomorrow.

8th Grade:
-Study for spelling quiz tomorrow.
-DOl of 3rd period's Flowers for Algernon essay sentences.  There were some great bad sentences in here.  Tomorrow, we will examine the sentences from 6th period's essays.  Fun!

10th Grade:
Work on papers in the Library.

-Quiz on sections 4.3 and 4.4 from the text book.
-Continue notes on Development of government ideas.
-Passed out a review sheet for the text on Tuesday about the amendments. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday - November 19, 2013

7th Grade: 
-Finish reading Sci-Fi stories on pages 192-203. 
-Homework:  Write a science Fiction story, which you will read to the class on Thursday.

8th Grade: 
-DOL - Fix the sentence.  This one comes from one of your Charlie/Algernon papers.
-Read pg 221-225 in text. 
-Find two different articles about the same subject.  Bring them to class, so we can look at treatment in them.  Due Friday.

10th Grade:
-Discussion on which sources students found were primary and which were secondary.  As anticipated, most students actually found secondary sources.  You get to try again for tomorrow.
We spent most of the period in the computer lab, typing J.C. papers.

-Discussion of Gettysburg Address, which was 150 years ago today.
-Begin notes on the Development of Government - Part III.  See Mr. Hawley for copies
-Homework:  Read Chapter 4, sections 3 and 4 in the text for tomorrow.  Short quiz on these.

Monday - November 18, 2013

7th Grade:  Vocab for week 12:

Vocab – page 1020
extended metaphor
Subjective writing
Objective writing

Spelling – Week 12
Hors d’oeuvre

Begin reading about Science Fiction on page 192.  No homework.

8th Grade:
Spelling and Vocab - Week 12
Week 12 – 8th Grade – Fall 2013


Vocab – page 981
Figure of Speech

-Discuss Personal Narratives from last week.  Which one did kids remember best?  Why?
-Read pages 205-218.  Answer questions 1,2,3, 8,9,10.  Due Tuesday.

10th Grade:
Week 12
Vocab – Page 1196
Figure of Speech
Figurative Language

Spelling words – Week 12
-Read page 397-412 about the Titanic disaster.  Find a primary source document, and bring it to class so we can discuss if it really is primary or secondary, where you got it, and how you found it. 
Pick partners and project types for History Day.
-Finish notes on the 10 amendments.  There will be a test on these Next Tuesday.   No homework.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday - November 15, 2013

7th Grade:  Read persuasive essays in partnerships.  Then we divided up into Pro and Con sides of the classroom.  A beginning debate was held where both sides got to read and debate their ideas.  Very good comments from lots of kids. 

8th Grade:  (3rd Period only)  Finish reading Personal Narratives to class.  Grade checks and conferences with individual students.  DON'T GET BEHIND!!!!

10th Grade:  We finished watching the movie today, and spent the last 10 minutes brainstorming ideas and ways the movie and the play are similar and different. 

History - No class - A schedule. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday - November 14, 2013

7th Grade:
Quiz week 11
-Imagery and figurative language.  No homework.

8th Grade: 
Quiz Week 11
-Read Personal Narratives to class members.  Make sure you have your narrative ready to go!

10th Grade:
Day 3 of Star Wars.  We will finish this tomorrow.  Summaries are due by Tomorrow.  They must be typed, or I won't accept them.  Essays are due next Friday.  These must also be typed and double spaced.

Quiz on Chapter 4, Section 2 in the book. 
-Continue notes on Amendments 5 and 6 in the Bill of Rights.  No homework. 

Wednesday - November 13, 2013

7th Grade: 
Finish story discussion of "To Build a Fire"
Look for examples of foreshadowing within story, discuss as a class.

Homework:  5 paragraph persuasive essay.  See Mr. Hawley for topic.  Due Thursday.

8th Grade: 
Go to lab to type personal narratives.

10th Grade:
Continue watching Star Wars.  Don't forget that the summaries are due Friday.  Be brainstorming ideas about how these two works are similar and different. 

Continue going over rules packet for History Day.  Homework:  Read Chapter 4 section 2 in text.  There will be a quiz on it tomorrow in class. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday - November 12, 2013

7th Grade:  Read "To Build a Fire"  No homework . . . yet.

8th Grade:  Work on Personal Narrative brainstorming and rough draft.

10th Grade:  Star Wars - Day 2.

History:  Continue rules packet and examples for Wyoming History Day.

Monday - Nov 11, 2013

7th Grade: 
Vocab week 11

Week 3 – pg 1019

Folk Tale


Free Verse



Main Idea

Spelling Week 11.

Homework:  Answer questions 5,6,7 at the end of the story "Three Skeleton Key" and find 5 examples of foreshadowing in the story, with page numbers.

8th Grade:
Vocab week 11

Week 3 – page 981







Spelling week 11 words

Homework:  Read pages 125 - 131 about personal narrative.  Assignment is on page 125, first paragraph on left hand side.  Write a personal narrative.  Due Thursday.  Don't forget to brainstorm and turn in that sheet as well.  We will be typing them in the Lab on Wednesday.

10th Grade:
Vocab week 11

Week 3 – Pg 1195






Dramatic Monologue

Spelling words - Week 11

Homework:  Begin watching Starwars, Revenge of the Sith. 

-Character plot maps will be due on Friday this week. 

Paper instructions: 
Julius Caesar Compare and Contrast vs. Star Wars III – Revenge of the Sith Movie

1.  This paper should be 2 ½ - 4 pages long

2.  Double spaced, 11 or 12 point font, Times New Roman or Calibri text with 1 inch margins.  Basically, if you open word, it will be ready to go.  Spacing is the only thing that will need modified. 

3.  You will compare and contrast Julius Caesar with Star Wars III – Revenge of the Sith


4.  Consider multiple perspectives, characters, events, motives, outcomes, etc.  Don’t just focus on the obvious similarities and differences. 

5.   This will be based on the following 100 point rubric:

Ideas/content – 15 pts                                  Use your best writing, grammar, and organization.   EDIT!!!

Organization – 15 pts                                     

Voice – 15 pts

Word Choice – 15 pts

Sentence Fluency – 15 pts

Conventions (grammar) 15 pts

Presentation – 10 pts

Rules and packet for History Day.  No homework.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday - November 6, 2013

7th Grade:
-DOL - Still working on clauses and phrases.
-Finished reading Rikki Tikki in class today.  Students read their responses to each other in class.  We began the next unit on Foreshadowing, and will begin reading the story "Three Skeleton Key" in class tomorrow.  No homework.

8th Grade:
-DOL - Clause and Phrase practice. 
-students read their indirect characterization responses in class. 
-Homework:  Read the story "Hamadi" in the text.  After reading, choose one character from the story and write a 1/2 page discussion of that character's motivations for their actions.  Use examples from the text for the strongest answers. 

10th Grade:
Act IV, Scene 3.  Finish reading Act IV for tomorrow.  We start and FINISH act V in one day.  Then it is on to Star Wars, and the compare/contrast paper.

Philosophy of  Government test.  Retakes are available for up to 80%.  Then we started talking about the Wyoming History Day project.  This is a very large, lengthy project that we will be working on for the next three months in History class.  It is not hard, but it is time consuming.  Details and rules packets will be passed out tomorrow, and all questions will be answered. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday - Nov 05, 2013

7th Grade:  DOL - Clauses and phrase identification.
-Finish reading the story "Rikki Tikki Tavi" in the text.  Answer questions 7 and 8 on page 157.  Then read the information on page 159 about active and passive verbs. 
Homework:  Write a 1/4 page summary of the story Rikki Tikki in the most passive voice you can muster.  We will read these in class tomorrow to see how everyone did.

8th Grade:  DOL - Clause practice
-Finish reading "A Retrieved Reformation" in the text. 
Homework:  Write a 1/4 page biography of the detective Ben Price from the story.  There is not much directly stated about him, but there is quite a lot of indirect characterization.  What kind of man is this?  How can you tell?  Use examples from the text for the best score.

10th Grade: 
Julius Caesar Act III test.
Homework:  Read through act IV, Scene 3 for tomorrow.

History: Busy day today. . .
Quiz on chapter 4, section 1 in the text.  See Mr. Hawley for make up quiz. 
Lots of current events discussions today, including:
-1st amendment Free speech discussion about a woman who lost her job for wearing an inappropriate Halloween costume to work
-Political campaigns from the 1800 election that were just downright NASTY between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
-4th Amendment discussion about New York police strip searching every person who is arrested for whatever reason.

-Then we started discussing the notes on the 5th amendment.

-Tomorrow, there is a test on the Philosophy of Government Notes.  Then we will begin discussing the Wyoming History Day project.  This is a very large and time consuming project.  It is not hard, but can't be done in a weekend. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday - Nov 4, 2013

7th Grade:
-Week 10 Vocab
-Lit terms for week 2: 
Figure of speech
-Continue reading in Rikki Tikki Tavi.

8th Grade:
-Week 10  Vocab
-Lit terms for week 2:
page 978
-Continue discussion of characterization, looking for examples of direct and indirect in the story "A retrieved Reformation" in text.
10th Grade:
-Week 10 vocab
-Lit terms for week 2
Page 1194
Blank Verse
Subordinate characters
Static Character
Comic Relief
-Finish Act IV, Scene I.  New characters today.  Don't forget to add them to your character plot map.
-Election day is tomorrow.  Discussion of the level of disgust by voters for both parties, and how elections can show who is winning the battle of public opinion.  Right now, the country is disgusted with the Republicans because of the Shut Down.  And the country is disgusted with Democrats because of Obamacare, so it's pretty much a toss - up at this point.
Begin notes on part two - Development of the constitution - We took notes on the first four amendments.  We will continue tomorrow.