Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tuesday - March 25, 2014

I was home sick today, so I will post the lesson plans I sent in for my sub.  Sorry I didn't get this posted yesterday!

1st & 2nd Periods:  English 10.  We are just finishing up act I in Merchant of Venice.  Have the students spend the first 3 - 5 minutes of class reviewing spelling and lit terms.  Then have them make a quiz for act I.  We were supposed to take a quiz on it today, but they will have to produce their own instead.  Have them create 5 questions for each of the three scenes in Act I.  These questions should be a mixture of true/false, fill in the blank, multiple choice, Short answer, and one of their own choosing.  They should include the answers to their questions.  If they finish early, they may start reading Act II, scene I on their own for tomorrow.

3rd and 6th Periods:  8th grade.  Meet students at the door and make sure they have their history text books with them, or send them to their lockers to get them if needed.  

Again, have the students spend the first 3 - 5 minutes reviewing the spelling words from this week with a partner.  Call for the Chapter review of Chapter 9 that was due today.  Then, look at the intro to chapter 10 in the history textbook (Mine is on the shelf behind my desk chair.  It is Yellow.  The kids can show you what it looks like.)  Read Chapter 10, section 1 together as a class.  That should take about 15 - 20 minutes.  After you finish, the students can go across the hall to the lab to work on finding research for their debates.

4th Period:  English 7.  The students are in the middle of research papers.  Have them spend their first 5 minutes of class studying spelling words with partners, then take them down to the library for research time.  Remind them to bring jump drives, or use Google Drive to save their work.  They should spend the period working quietly there.  If needed, remind them that if they can't work quietly, or stay on focus, they will not get future time for research, and will have to do that part on their own out of class.  (Jacob Cook may need a lot of support for this.  His computer skills are fairly low, and that tends to show up as goofing off, since he doesn't always know how to find what he is looking for.)

5th Period - Prep

7th Period - Learning Lab.  Students need to be quietly working through this period on something of their choice.

8th Period:  8th Grade all together again.  Have them bring their Watsons books to class for this.  Continue reading this book together as a class.  They are about 2 pages into chapter 2.  Feel free to stop and discuss anything you or they notice.  We are really focusing on the issues of race and how people treat each other with this book.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Results for Wyoming History Day!  We have FIVE 8th Graders going to state this year.  Congratulations! The high school students also did very well for themselves again this year.

Middle School
Jr. Historical Paper:
2nd Place - Emily Jensen

Jr. Group Presentation
2nd Place - Torey Wardell and Tallon Wiles

Jr. Group Exhibit
3rd Place - Kaeli Hernandez and Julia Mortensen

High School
Sr. Individual Exhibit
1st Place - Quinton Migneault.  (I can't remember how to spell his last name!  Sorry . . .  I know he doesn't go to Burlington anymore, but we are still proud of him, and claim him as a "Former Brilliant Student"!

Sr. Individual Documentary
2nd Place - Jared Tolman
1st Place - Nate Davidson

Sr. Group Documentary
3rd Place - Alex Nicholson and Layne Henderson
2nd Place - Bridger Jones, Jess McNiven, and Tanner Christiansen
1st Place - McKay Olsen and Eliza McIntosh

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday - Jan 15, 2014

7th Grade:  Short grammar assessment on verb tenses. 

We discussed character motivations.  Students finished reading "War of the Wall" and the next story in the text was assigned to be read for class tomorrow. 

8th Grade: 
Short grammar assessment on verb tenses
We practiced the Preamble quiz, which will take place tomorrow in ENGLISH class.  After that, we spent the remainder of the period in the lab working on History day projects. 

10th Grade:
Short grammar assessment on verb tenses
We continued our discussion of what makes a commercial persuasive and appealing.  We looked at sample commercials and discussed their merits and values.

Preamble practice.  Tomorrow, there will be a quiz on Witch of Blackbird Pond chapters 12 - 15.  We will also have time to read the first current event of the quarter. 

Today, we finished taking notes on article I on the Legislative branch.  We will quiz on this next Wednesday.  Now we are starting Article III - the Judicial branch. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday - January 14, 2014

7th Grade:  Read overcoming obstacles journals to classmates.  Begin discussion of character motivation.  Read "The War of the Wall" in text and prepare thoughts for tomorrow's class about a time you misjudged a person's motivation and/or didn't understand what was driving them.

8th Grade:  History Day work in lab.  Poster boards need to be put together by the end of next week for 20 points.

10th Grade:  Psychology of commercials.  Videos of various commercials and why they work or what sensed they appeal to.

History:  We finished the notes for Article I about the legislative branch.  Don't forget the Preamble test, the Current Events, The Witch of Black Bird Pond Quiz on chapters 12-15 - all due on Thursday.  Also, you need to have read chapter 7, sections 2 & 3.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday - January 13, 2014

New Semester!  Sorry I've been off'-line for awhile. 

7th Grade:  Finished reading our story on Cuban baseball and discussed characterization.  Homework:  Write 1/2 page journal about a time you overcame a challenge. 

8th Grade:  Gerunds are verbs that act as nouns, but end with ING.  They go along with participles and progressive verbs.  We took notes on Gerund use as a subject and the Object of a preposition.  The last half of the class was spent in the lab for History day work.

10th Grade:  Gerund notes (see 8th grade).  We began our commercial unit today.  See Mr. Hawley for a copy of the rules and the timeline. 

History:  Response to Cartoon 3.  If you missed the cartoon, find one of your own, print it out and staple it to the sheet where you describe it.  Then we jumped back into notes on the Legislature. 

On Thursday, History students will need to have a current event, will take the Preamble test, will have a quiz on Witch of Blackbird Pond chapters 11 - 15, and need to have read through chapter 7, section 2 and 3.  Busy day.