Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday - May 2, 2011

My apologies for not posting.  I have been at a funeral, but we're back and chugging ahead.

Vocab Week 15:
implacable- adj. im plăk’ ə ble

1. - not capable of being appeased, changed significantly, or mitigated

2. – rigid, unbending or unyielding

3. –pitiless, merciless, ruthless, hardhearted, callous, cruel, obdurate

jurisdiction- n. jer ĭs dĭk’ shən

1. - the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law

2. – realm of control or rule

paroxysm- n. pĕ rŏk’ sĭ zəm

1. - a sudden violent emotion or action; outburst

2. – a convulsion or spasm

reprehensible- adj. rĕp rē hĕn’ sə ble

1. - deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure

2. – blameworthy, culpable, at fault, liable, guilty

skirmish- n. sker’ mĭsh

1. a minor fight in war usually incidental to larger movements

2. a battle, combat, or conflict

3. (tr.v.) to clash, to fight, to scuffle, to tussle

Missed vocab words from the year - due Friday NOT Wednesday!
adroit:  adj skillful, nimble, dexterous, adept, not clumsy, practiced

avid: adj devoted, eager, ardent, fervent, keen, enthusiastic, not apathetic

inane: adj frivolous, absurd, silly, idiotic, ridiculous, childish, immature

fabricate: v. make, manufacture, construct; [also] make up, invent, concoct

pretext: n. (repeat) alleged reason, ploy, ruse, red herring {Qtr1 Wk5}

admonish: v. reprove, caution, warn about, rebuke, chide, reprimand

concur: v. agree, see eye to eye, be in accord, assent, not in conflict

duress: n. threat, constraint, pressure, coercion, not persuasion

elicit: v. extract, bring forth, educe, draw out, obtain

flagrant: adj blatant, deliberate, brazen, overt, obvious, not hidden

arbitrary: adj subjective, random, chance, capricious (often refers to choice)

fray: n. fight, dispute, skirmish, scrimmage, conflict, battle- (v.) unravel, tatter

indigent: adj poor, needy, impoverished, destitute, impecunious: not affluent

monolithic: adj colossal, monumental, massive, huge, gigantic

stymie: v. confound, stump, baffle, bewilder, perplex, bamboozle, stupefy

Spelling 16A and Hawley's definitions:
Irrelevant – Useless

Judgment – sentencing

Jujitsu – Asian wrestling

Keenness – sharp awareness

Knowledgeable – smart

Larynx – throat

Legionnaire – soldier

Liaison – middle man

Likable – nice

Lilies – wedding flowers.

Journal week 15:  With the death of Bin Laden this week, describe how your life is different than it would have been without 9/11.

1st - Write your own eulogy.  How would you want people to remember you?

2nd - Journal week 15, and Vocab week 15.  See Journal and vocab entries above.

6th - Journal 15, Vocab 15, Spelling 16A.  See entries above.

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