Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday - October 24, 2011

Vocab week 8

Endemic – adjective (Ehn-dém-ick)

·         very common, prevalent

·         restricted to a particular field or location

Liable – Adjective (Ly-ah-ble)

·         obligated or required by law

·         responsible

·         Exposed or subject to some action

Libation – Noun (Lie-báy-shun)

·         An alcoholic drink

·         An act of pouring a drink as an offering for a sacrifice

Poignant – Adjective (Poy-nynt)

·         Deeply affecting the feelings

·         Touching or emotional

·         Designed to make an impression

Hyperbole – noun (Hi-Pér-Bole-ee)

·         Excessive or extravagant exaggeration

·         Really really really trying to prove a point

Spelling week 8

Subtle – crafty

deductible – First money paid

nutritious - healthy

neutrality – don’t take sides

resurgent – coming back

gyrations – hula hooping

knuckle - bone

incongruity – doesn’t match up

misdemeanor – small crime

multifarious – A great variety

Journal – Describe a time you had a blast with your friends and/or family.

2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th periods - Vocab, spelling, and journal entry.  Due Wednesday.

4th Per:  Begin unit on Powhatan's war.  Start thinking about what it must have been like to have the Europeans come over and begin taking over the lands of the Native Americans.  Articles to follow the next several days.

6th Per:  Pictures and thoughts about them. No homework.

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