Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday - October 14, 2013

General announcements! 
1.  There will be a cumulative spelling test from weeks 1-8 next week.  The test will be 20 points.  Study NOW.  Don't wait till the last day!

2.  All late work will be due next Wednesday (October 25, 2013) at 3:30 P.M.  After that, I will accept nothing else for this quarter.

3.  Book Reports are due next Friday for Sophomores. 

Daily Work:
7th Grade:  DOL, Pass back papers, review spelling words, and then we went over 5 paragraph essay structure.  No Homework.

8th Grade:  Pass Back papers, review spelling words, and Grammar lesson on identifying Indirect Objects in a sentence.  No Homework.

10th Grade:  Pass back papers, review spelling words, and grammar lesson on identifying whether a word is an indirect object, or the object of a prepositional phrase in a sentence.  No homework.

History:  Columbus Day!  He sailed 521 years ago.  But, did he do a good thing or a bad thing in discovering the American continent?  This week, we will be discussing the European influence on America, and the American influence on Europe.  Was Columbus a hero or a tyrant?  We began watching a video biography about his voyages.  We will finish tomorrow.  No homework. 

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