Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday - March 31, 2011

1st Per - Writing day.

2nd Per - Reading day

3rd Per - Grammar lesson with Mrs. Henley.  Sentence structure continued.  Homework:  Do page 101 in your grammar WORKBOOKS.  Front and Back.  Identify the conjunctions and indicate the subordinating conjunctions in addition to the instructions the workbook gives.  Due Monday. 

4th Per - Grammar lesson with Mrs. Henley.  Pronoun lesson.  Page 76 -78 in your grammar books.  Demonstrative pronouns are those that demonstrate, or show someone or something.  "This, that, these, those."  We also discussed antecedents, or the nouns that help us understand who the pronoun is talking about.  You can't use a pronoun in a written sentence unless you have used an identifying pronoun before hand so we know who or what is being spoken of. 
-Homework:  Page 23 and 24 in your grammar book.  Identify the pronoun and the antecedent noun that goes with it so we know who is being referred to. 
-Due Monday.

5th Per - Sonnet recital.  There were some really great examples of sonnets.  We discussed a few more technicalities of what makes them work or not.  For instance, I don't believe they accent is ever on the first syllable of a line.  It always goes "Unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed."  Some of you were showing some confusion over this point. 

6th Per - Merchant of Venice.  We finised reading and discussing Act I scene II.  We talked a lot about women's rights, christianity, and judaism, and their historical  places in society versus how we view these things today.   No homework. 

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