Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011 - Monday

1st Period - Creative Writing
Journal entry - A time I learned from a mistake I made.
Time was given to finish building each other's projects.  Tomorrow is the reflection paper you will write about this process.

2nd Period:  Honors English     
3rd Period:  8th Grade
4th Period:  7th Grade
5th Period:  12th Grade
6th Period:  10th Grade

All English classes had Tier II Vocabulary words to fill out today.  These words are:

There is a NEW Vocab sheet I want you to start using. All 5 words are on the same

page. This should help eliminate confusion as to which page you are on, and where I
should start grading things.

Spelling Words for week 10A:  All English classes
These are also to be filled out on the NEW sheets - which are on the back of the new Vocab sheets.  Write the word twice on the lines provided, then add a very short one word definition, which I will provide.  At the bottom, write last weeks vocab words again from 9B.

Antecedent - Before
Breath - Air
Clientele - Customers
Consensus - Agreement
Dilemma - Problem
Disappoint - Let down
Extravagant - Too much
Fallacy - Lie
Genealogy - Family tree
Heroes - Superman


Vocab and spelling word worksheets are due Wednesday.

All English Classes:  Journal Entry #2.  Write about a time you learned from a mistake you made. 
7th and 8th grades - 1/2 page of writing.
10th and 12 grades - 1 full page of writing.

The grading scales have been changed a little bit. 
-All 7th and 8th grade late work, make up work, or test and quiz retakes will be accepted for 80% credit.
-All 10th and 12th grade late work, make up work, or test and quiz retakes will be accepted for 70% credit. 
This means if you can't play in your ball game this weekend - It's completely on your shoulders - not mine.  :-)

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